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Tutorials是一种高度交互的文档形式,为了使编写它们变得容易,我们扩展了 markdown 以包含指令。指令为创作类似内容的教程提供了结构。


Table Of Contents Page

这是Tutorials的入口, 在这里定义入口界面。入口界面有一定的格式,如下:


如何添加Table Of Contents Page?

在File->New->Documentation->Tutorial Table Of Contents File。




Table Of Contents Page的名称,通常是你的framework或者package名称。


@Tutorials(name: "SlothCreator") {}


@Tutorials(name: "SlothCreator") {
@Intro(title: "Meet SlothCreator") {
Create, catalog, and care for sloths using SlothCreator.
Get started with SlothCreator by building the demo app _Slothy_.

@Image(source: slothcreator-intro.png, alt: "An illustration of 3 iPhones in portrait mode, displaying the UI of finding, creating, and taking care of a sloth in Slothy — the sample app that you build in this collection of tutorials.")








@Tutorials(name: "SlothCreator") {


@Chapter(name: "SlothCreator Essentials") {
@Image(source: "chapter1-slothcreatorEssentials.png", alt: "A wireframe of an app interface that has an outline of a sloth and four buttons below the sloth. The buttons display the following symbols, from left to right: snowflake, fire, wind, and lightning.")

Create custom sloths and edit their attributes and powers using SlothCreator.

@TutorialReference(tutorial: "doc:Creating-Custom-Sloths")






@Volume(name: "Climbing Higher111") {
Taking your sloths to the next level.111
@Image(source: haixuerequest.png, alt: "happy new year")
@Chapter(name: "this is chapter one") {
this chapter one detail

@Image(source: haixuerequest.png, alt: "happy new year")

@TutorialReference(tutorial: "doc:Tutorial001")




 @Chapter(name: "SlothCreator Essentials") {
@Image(source: chapter1-slothcreatorEssentials.png, alt: "A wireframe of an app interface that has an outline of a sloth and four buttons below the sloth. The buttons display the following symbols, from left to right: snowflake, fire, wind, and lightning.")

Create custom sloths and edit their attributes and powers using SlothCreator.

@TutorialReference(tutorial: "doc:Creating-Custom-Sloths")






@Resources {
Explore more resources for learning about sloths.

@Documentation(destination: "") {
Browse and search sloth-related documentation.

- [SlothCreator API](
- [Sloth Technical Specification](




 @Resources {
Explore more resources for learning about sloths.

@Downloads(destination: "") {
Download resources that make sloth development even more fun.

- [Sloth Wallpaper](
- [Sloth Coloring Pages](
- [Sloth Apps](




   @Resources {
Explore more resources for learning about sloths.

@Forums(destination: "") {
Get support for your sloths and connect with others.

- [SlothCreator Help: Get Assistance with Sloth Development.](
- [Sloth Talk: Meet Others Who Like Sloths Too](



    @Resources {
Explore more resources for learning about sloths.

@SampleCode(destination: "") {
Download and explore sample code projects to get to know SlothCreator.

- [SlothyRoad: Building a Fun, Yet Slow Game](
- [SpeedySloth: Designing a Faster, More Powerful Sloth](
- [SmoothSloth: Adding a Smooth and Glossy Coat to Your Sloth](



@Resources {
Explore more resources for learning about sloths.

@Videos(destination: "") {
Watch cute videos of sloths climbing, eating, and sleeping.

- [Treetop Breakfast](
- [Slow Ascent](
- [Rest Time](




@Tutorial(time: 30, projectFiles: "") {






@Tutorial(time: 30) {
title: "Xcode 12",
destination: "")






@Tutorials(name: "SlothCreator") {
@Intro(title: "这个是简介title") {
@Image(source: slothcreator-intro.png, alt: "这个是简介图片")





@Tutorail中 对一些列相关Step的分组。

@Tutorial(time: 30) {


@Section(title: "Add a customization view") {
@ContentAndMedia {
Add the ability for users to customize sloths and select their powers.

@Image(source: 01-creating-section2.png, alt: "An outline of a sloth surrounded by four power type icons. The power type icons are arranged in the following order, clockwise from the top: fire, wind, lightning, and ice.")

@Steps {
@Step {
Create a new SwiftUI View file named `CustomizedSlothView.swift`.

@Code(name: "CustomizedSlothView.swift", file: 01-creating-code-02-01.swift) {
@Image(source: preview-01-creating-code-02-01.png, alt: "A screenshot from the Xcode preview as it would appear on iPhone, with the text, Hello, World!, centered in the middle of the display.")

@Step {







@Section中用来显示text 或者Image或者Video的,如上图。



    @Section(title: "Add a customization view") {
@ContentAndMedia {
Add the ability for users to customize sloths and select their powers.

@Image(source: 01-creating-section2.png, alt: "An outline of a sloth surrounded by four power type icons. The power type icons are arranged in the following order, clockwise from the top: fire, wind, lightning, and ice.")

@Stack {
@ContentAndMedia {

@ContentAndMedia {

@ContentAndMedia {






@Tutorial(time: 30) {


@Section(title: "Add a customization view") {
@ContentAndMedia {



@Steps {
@Step {
Create a new SwiftUI View file named `CustomizedSlothView.swift`.

@Code(name: "CustomizedSlothView.swift", file: 01-creating-code-02-01.swift) {
@Image(source: preview-01-creating-code-02-01.png, alt: "A screenshot from the Xcode preview as it would appear on iPhone, with the text, Hello, World!, centered in the middle of the display.")

@Step {
Import the `SlothCreator` package.

@Code(name: "CustomizedSlothView.swift", file: 01-creating-code-02-02.swift) {
@Image(source: preview-01-creating-code-02-01.png, alt: "A screenshot from the Xcode preview as it would appear on iPhone, with the text, Hello, World!, centered in the middle of the display.")

@Step {
Create a ``Sloth`` state variable called `sloth`.

@Code(name: "CustomizedSlothView.swift", file: 01-creating-code-02-03.swift) {
@Image(source: preview-01-creating-code-02-01.png, alt: "A screenshot from the Xcode preview as it would appear on iPhone, with the text, Hello, World!, centered in the middle of the display.")






The following steps display your customized sloth view in the SwiftUI preview.

@Step {
Add the `sloth` parameter to initialize the `CustomizedSlothView` in the preview provider, and pass a new `Sloth` instance for the value.

@Code(name: "CustomizedSlothView.swift", file: 01-creating-code-02-07.swift) {
@Image(source: preview-01-creating-code-02-07.png, alt: "A portrait of a generic sloth displayed in the center of the canvas.")





  • name: 代码顶部的文件名称
  • file: 代码内容文件
  • previousFile: 上一步的文件,会用这个来显示diff。
  • reset : 设为true来关闭和previousFile的diff显示。
@Code(name: "CustomizedSlothView.swift", file: "01-creating-code-02-07.swift") {
@Image(source: "preview-01-creating-code-02-07.png", alt: "A portrait of a generic sloth displayed in the center of the canvas.")




    @Assessments {
@MultipleChoice {
What element did you use to add space around and between your views?

@Choice(isCorrect: false) {
A: A state variable.

@Justification(reaction: "Try again!") {
Remember, it's something you used to arrange views vertically.

@Choice(isCorrect: true) {
B: A `VStack` with trailing padding.

@Justification(reaction: "That's right!") {
A `VStack` arranges views in a vertical line.

@Choice(isCorrect: false) {
C: trailing padding.
@Justification(reaction: "Try again11!") {
Remember111, it's something you used to arrange views vertically.






