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Form提供了一种从用户那里获取信息的方法。但是表格很长时,用户在完成时会感到气馁,提交表格的人很少 意味着您的调查数据更少,您的应用程序注册更少,或者提供您收集的任何数据的人更少。


Getting ready


How to do it…

  1. 新建一个SignUpView,并添加state
struct SignUpView: View {
@State private var fname = ""
@State private var lname = ""
@State private var street = ""
@State private var city = ""
@State private var zip = ""
@State private var lessThanTwo = false
@State private var username = ""
@State private var password = ""
var body: some View {
Text(/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/"Hello, World!"/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/)
  1. 添加一个Form
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {

}.navigationTitle("Sign up")
  1. 添加一个section到Form里
Section(header: Text("Names")){
TextField("First Name", text: $fname)
TextField("Last Name" , text: $lname)
  1. 再添加一个section
Section(header: Text("Current Address")){
TextField("Street Address" , text: $street)
TextField("City" , text: $city)
TextField("Zip" , text: $zip)
  1. 在zip后添加一个Toggle, 如果勾选了,才显示第三个section
Toggle(isOn: $lessThanTwo){
Text("Have you lived here for 2+ years")
  1. 添加第三个section,根据是否勾选显示和隐藏
if !lessThanTwo{
Section(header: Text("Previous Address")) {
TextField("Street Address" , text: $street)
TextField("City" , text: $city)
TextField("Zip" , text: $zip)
  1. 在添加一个section
Section(header:Text("Create Account Info")) {
TextField("Create Username" , text: $username)
SecureField("Password", text: $password)
  1. 最后添加一个提交按钮
Button("Submit") {
print("Form submit action here")



How it works…

我们使用if条件语句来显示或隐藏表单中的部分字段。例如,仅当lessThanTwo变量的值设置为true时,才会显示表单的Previous Address部分。